About Neenah Pickett
The original website was 52weeks2findhim.com. The URL expired and the content was deleted. This website is information that was later found and pieced together.
52 weeks 2 Find Him is a 2009 social experiment that focuses on a 42 year-old woman's journey to find her husband. It is an online documentary that is shaped by Neenah's actions and reactions, along with viewers' participation. What happens when a woman invites the world to become her dating coach? Each week, we invite you to tune-in and join-in by helping with Neenah's search, as she explores: the many methods of meeting eligible men, preparing for dates, and maintaining a healthy, romantic relationship.
Throughout the year, she will look to you, the web viewer, to provide direction, advice and support. Also, when you participate on her discussion board and with her online polls, you have a strong impact on how Neenah takes her next weekly step. The website will also give an account on how the viewers' interventions are impacting her search.
This website includes 5 minute weekly video episodes of Neenah's progression of finding her husband. Her blog about her quest, including triumphs, trials, fears and anticipation.
Also on this website, you'll meet Neenah's friends who will be with her each step of the way. They will shed an interesting light on Neenah in a way she is unable to see or share about herself.
At the end of 52 weeks, if she hasn't found her life partner, she will take a full year off from pursuing relationships. For this executive, go-getter, the idea of sitting still for a year is like a death sentence. But always being opened to trying something new, Neenah will even acquiesce to the stillness to see what this new change of pace will bring. She is actually hoping it doesn't get to that point and is counting on the viewers' to help her meet her mate in the given time! If you, or you know someone who would be a great fit for Neenah and you want to set up a date, check out her "Him's" page to Request a Date.
Neenah is a business executive who lives in New Jersey. She's never been married, nor does she have any children. Neenah is a practical, yet adventurous woman, who celebrates tradition and at the same time loves to explore the new and unknown. Neenah doesn't consider herself a desperate single, but she does understand that at this point in her life, the odds of having a family of her own are against her. Where conventional methods have failed, Neenah decided to try a new approach to finding a husband.
If you enjoy tuning in each day to the morning shows to help plan a stranger's wedding on programs like Regis & Kelly or Good Morning America. You are the perfect person to help prepare a single woman for marriage. Who hasn't offered dating advice or wanted to become a matchmaker for a willing soul? Now, 52 Weeks… provides the viewer with the opportunity to help someone who is actually seeking them out.
Screengrab from my previous website