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December 25 - My Christmas Wish for Singles

Neenah Pickett

May your stockings be filled with hope – hope that pierces your heart and helps you to once again believe that love will come calling. May the gifts under your tree be wrapped with hurt and disappoint of past relationships – wrapping that you do not recycle, but instead discard and allow to be carried far, far away. May those gifts now free from the packaging of negativity be revealed to you as possible "him"s, waiting for your love. And as you hand out gifts to your love ones, know that you are more than how attractive some man finds you. You are a gift to so many with your selflessness, kindness, generosity and love. May the ornaments and lights on your tree be reminders of friends and family, authors and teachers, all who have decorated and illuminated your spirit with encouraging words throughout the year. May the star on top of your tree shine brightly, and guide you as that star did long ago to the one we celebrate this day – our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The One who has and will continue to meet our needs.



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